
8 signs your relationship is going no where

How can you tell if what you have going with your partner is real or you are just in a relationship to pass time till someone else comes along?

Here are some signs that your relationship isn't serious:Barely Know Each Other: If you spend a lot of time together, you’re sure to pick up on each other’s habits and routines, but do you know the little things about each other like favorite movies, biggest embarrassments or fears? If you don’t know even a few of the little things about each other, it’s not serious.

You Only Hang Out Privately: When a person’s really into you, they want the world to know that you’re theirs and they’re yours. If the two of you aren’t public with your relationship, only hanging out when others aren’t around, the person you’re talking to probably doesn’t want others to know you’re together.

Never Discuss Serious Topics: Think about the things the two of you talk about. If you guys never have heated discussions or debates, there’s a problem. Serious relationships have serious discussions. Nothing’s wrong with being playful in conversation but if the only conversations you have are on simple subjects with little substance, it’s not serious.

Afraid to Speak Your Mind: When you’re in a serious, open and honest relationship, you’re comfortable speaking your mind with the person you’re with, even if the subject’s touchy. When you’re afraid to speak your mind out of fear of hurting the relationship, the relationship isn’t mutual or healthy.

Sexual Pressure: Beware - If you feel constant sexual pressure but your relationship lacks serious commitment, you’re probably the rebound or filler until somebody better comes along. When you’re in a serious relationship with someone who cares about you, you won’t feel pressured. Also, constant cheating is a red flag. A person who’s serious about you won’t constantly jeopardize their relationship, all while hurting you.

Never Met the Best Friends: A person who’s serious about you imagines a future with you and wants their close friend’s stamp of approval. If you’ve been together for awhile and they’ve never brought you around them, it’s for a reason, the major one being that they don’t see things with you being serious or they're worried about their friends' reactions.

Dating Multiple People: If the person you’re with doesn’t want to be exclusive and is talking to or dating multiple people, they are still curious about testing the waters and seeing what else is out there, not being committed to you.

Distance: When the person you’re with is close but constantly distant, they’re telling you (without telling you) that they have issue with you and the relationship. While distance is normal during arguments and breakdowns, constant distance is a sign they’re just not that into you –they just don’t know how to tell you.

Proceed with Caution: Pay attention to these eight warning signs. If any of these are coming up in your relationship, trouble is looming. Take a step back and think about where the two of you are headed together. If you don’t, things will only get worse.

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